No Regrets

"Uptown Girl, she’s been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can, and now she’s looking for a downtown man
And when she knows what she wants from her time
And when she wakes up and makes up her mind . . . "

Today I am watching a beautiful autumn sunset outside my window.  Over 3 months in Chicago, and I don’t know why I haven’t done this yet.  In the distance, Trump Tower glimmers bronze instead of its usual sliver; everything else is bathed in a warm, antique-feeling glow and steam puffs out of a few chimneys.  I feel like I’m in a Charles Dickens story.

Earlier this year, I was questioning (as I still do, sometimes) if it is really possible to live life without regret.  I was looking back at some big decisions I’d made in my life and wondering if I would be happier or more fulfilled if I'd made different choices.  It’s one thing to make a bad/wrong decision and know it immediately.  I was frustrated that no matter how hard we try to think things through  or, conversely, follow our hearts, decisions that seem like the right thing at the time can still end up feeling like mistakes. 

But today, for now, I’m not wrestling with “what ifs.”  I went from having a good salary and a beautiful, spacious condo in a manicured country setting to being un/under-employed and living in a 300-sq foot studio apartment on a gritty urban street.  And I do not have one single regret.
I don’t have a great job (yet), I don’t have health insurance or true love, or even a roof to park my beloved Mustang under.  But somehow, in this moment, everything seems right. I haven’t felt that way in a while, and it’s good to be there again.  :)


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