The Existential Crisis (No, Really) of Cleaning out Your Closet
I started following a French style guru on Youtube. Like many, she teaches that you should love the body you have, dress for it, and rid your closet of that which is poor-fitting, doesn’t work with your lifestyle, and doesn’t make you feel great. She’s right, I thought. It’s just that simple. I have a tiny apartment – all the more reason why I don’t need to be holding onto clothes that don’t fit, or that I don’t like. Armed with this conviction, I waited for a rainy day to spend inside, and then set to work. If I couldn’t remember the last time I’d worn it, I’d try it on once more for good measure, then put it in a pile to go to Goodwill. Easy. Two hours later I was almost in tears. Two hours of brutal honesty had led to a Goodwill pile that was breaking my heart. It contained: -- A pair of trendy, expensive designer jeans I had bought my senior year of college. I had combed through a department store searching for them, after I’d seen them on a mannequin in the ...