"The Gorge Road" Chapter 3

3. The Gorge & The Boy Nothing about the drive to the DiAnnon’s house captured my attention – at first. My route led me north along the I-205 loop until it intersected with Interstate 84 going east. R oad signs encouraged me to see the old Historic Columbia River Highway, but a not-small part of me feared getting lost. Angela's directions were to keep to the interstate, until a specific exit. You could drive out into a low-reception area and render your GPS useless. You might have Angela's instructions jotted down, but those aren't gonna help you orient yourself if you make a wrong turn. As I continued along 84, the sudden and absolute change in landscape was indeed disorienting. One moment, I had been speeding past typical roadside scenery – the backsides of Wal-Marts, truck stops, billboards, graffitied overpasses. In the next, it all vanished. On my left, a small bit of foggy marshland slowly dissolved into the cold expanse of the Colum...