The Chicago Transit Authority School of Common Courtesy, Rule #1
Priority seating is intended for the elderly, women who are pregnant or nursing, and passengers with disabilities. Your cooperation is requested. Translation: Get your ass up out of your seat when old people, disabled people (or the beggar con-man who pretends to be blind) or knocked-up/leaking baby mammas get on a full train. This is Rule Number One at the CTA School of Manners. Moms with infants seem to avoid the train (which is smart) and disabled people are typically very grateful to be offered a seat. But then you run into the age-old problem of Old People Not Realizing/Accepting that They’re Old, and Getting Bent Out of Shape When You Do Something Polite That Acknowledges Their Age. Let me digress for a moment. There was a time when people of a certain age complained that “Kids these days don’t have any manners!” Now, this happens: Me: (greeting an older male colleague in a professional setting) “Good morning, sir.” Man:...